Face Masks for Valentine’s Day!
It’s finally February! Yay! January felt like it lasted a year, right? I feel like there is nothing to do in February, because winter is so dang cold! You’re probably spending most of your time inside too, because it’s such a cold month! You might even be watching the bachelor every Monday night and sitting on your couch for two hours like I do :). Take this time to take care of your skin and do a face mask once a week!
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I know you want to look your best! While you wait for spring,(but really can spring come soon please?) start implementing good habits into your life.
Do Some Research!
What type of face mask do you need for your skin? Do you have oily, dry, or combination skin? My skin is normal in the summer, but it’s very dry in the winter. I look for hydrating masks the most! I also look for masks that will detoxify my skin & minimize my pores. Clay masks are my jam! Absolute New York sent me some face masks to try, and I’ve been loving them! They have many different types of masks to choose from! Just read the description and ingredients to help you decide which mask is right for you!
Create The Habit!
I’ve been learning that it is so important to create habits! I’m reading a book called The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. It says, “So when you see people who look like ‘disciplined’ people, what you’re really seeing is people who’ve trained a handful of habits into their lives. This makes them seem ‘disciplined’ when actually they’re not. No one is.”
I love this quote, because whenever I see successful people with perfect skin who look like they’ve got their lives together, I know they’ve gotten where they are by creating habits.
Mondays are the perfect day to create that habit, because you can call it “MASK MONDAY”! I used to get excited every Monday, because I would be watching the bachelor/bachelorette and be applying a new face mask. What else are you going to do while you watch a two hour episode? Mask Monday is catchy, and it’s a good way to remember to care for your skin one night of the week.
Make The Move
After you’ve done your research, and you’ve chosen a day to create your habit, the next step is to make the move! Buy a facemask that will benefit you! This is a good idea for Valentine’s Day whether you are buying a gift for someone, or having a galentines night!
*My favorite mask is the Charcoal Bubbling Mask!
Looking Forward to More Content?
Hey guys, I hope you enjoy my blog posts! I think it’s fun to let you know what I’m doing with my life, and where my content is headed. I always hope to give good advice/tips in my posts. I want you to benefit from the content I create.
I’m hoping to do another skincare blog post and share my secrets of how I have acne-free skin now! If you know anyone who wants to create content with me, let me know! I’m thinking it might be fun to start doing Youtube videos, because that’s something I can do by myself! I also think it might be fun to do a “Bachelor/Bachelorette recap” or a “Get ready with me video”. I don’t know. It might be a bad idea, but I just like sharing my ideas! Any who, I love you all!
Xoxo, Michelle 🙂