Goal Making (Nerd Edition)


Do you ever wonder why you have had goals or dreams that you haven’t achieved? They key to achieving success is making a goal, setting up a plan of how to achieve that goal, and sticking to that plan.


1. Making a Goal

Think of something you want to accomplish. It could be something small like cleaning your room, or it could be something big like going on a trip to Paris. Make your goal specific. Set a date and time you want to accomplish it.

2. Setting up a plan of how to achieve that goal

Finding motivation to reach my goals is often hard to do. Sometimes my goals are too big that I get overwhelmed and give up, and sometimes I don’t know where to begin. Breaking down the steps one at a time to reach that goal makes it a lot more attainable. The “SMART goals” acronym was created in 1981, and it has made my life a whole lot easier!



S: SPECIFIC (Set a very specific goal.)

M: MEASURABLE (Is your goal measurable?)

A: ATTAINABLE (Is your goal attainable?)

R: RELEVANT (Is your goal relevant or rewarding?)

T: TIME-BOUND (Do you have the time to achieve this goal?)


Buying a calendar, or making an electronic calendar is probably going to be the most effective way to organize your schedule. I organize my life by making a “To Do List” in the notes app on my phone. I have important dates so that I don’t forget anything, then I have my “daily to dos”. I also use google calendars if I am working on a big project. I have so many gmail accounts that I can actually have separate color coded calendars if I want.

3. Stick to the plan

Once I have set up a plan of how to reach my goal step by step, I have to stick to the plan, or else I will never be able to reach my goal in time! Time is so important, and sometimes I feel like I don’t have any time at all to work on the things I really want to. I’ve learned to make time for the things that are important to me. I set something else aside that day, or I rotate my schedule. The last advice I will give is to NEVER GIVE UP. When you think it’s too hard to achieve, that probably means you need to break down your steps even more so that the goal feels attainable.


Hope these steps help!





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