Lake Powell
Every year I get the chance to go to Lake Powell with family and friends. This year I went to Lake Powell with a huge group of people over Memorial Weekend, and the houseboat almost sunk! It was on the news too which was crazy! I also go to Lake Powell once a year with my family now. We’ve been doing that for about 4 years now, and it is nice to get away from work and play in the water for a week. It’s also nice taking a break from social media because most of the beaches don’t have service. Lake Powell is definitely the happiest place on Earth, and I encourage every one to get a group and rent out a houseboat at least once. Xoxo Michelle
Reasons why I love Lake Powell:
Star Gazing
Paddle Boarding
Looking for Sea-Shells
Taking out the Wave Runners
Playing Board Games at Night
Thunderstorms at Night
Canyon Boat Rides
Sand Volleyball
Wake Surfing
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