Tulip Festival

The Tulip Festival

Did you know that tulips are the national symbol for Holland? There are actually many tulip farms in Holland which is why tulip festivals are so popular there. It has always been one of my dreams to go to a tulip festival in Holland! I always see people posting pictures in colorful fields of tulips, but I never imagined there was a Tulip Festival near me!

I heard about the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival last year, but I was unable to go. Luckily, I was able to go with my sisters this year! (Don’t mind the giant stamp on my hand. They had to stamp our hands to get in.) This was my first trip to the Thanksgiving Gardens, and I couldn’t believe how huge it was! There is a pathway that wraps around the gardens and it is so massive, that you can rent a golf cart to explore it all! It was so nice to walk around and see all of the beautiful colors and of course we happened to go on a day when the weather was perfect. With spring days in Utah I never know what the weather will be like. Anyway, in the gardens there is a fish pond where we used a quarter machine to feed the fish, there is a giant man-made waterfall, and there are also food concessions to get a frozen lemonade or other snacks. This is definitely an event that you will want to be prepared for. Wear good walking shoes, wear sunglasses or a hat, bring plenty of cold water, and be sure to take your allergy medicine if needed. Fair Warning: We were unable to rent a golf cart because there was an hour long wait! There are a lot of uphill sections, so we ended up walking through only a portion of the gardens. I will definetly have to take another trip to see the rest.


I personally have never planted flowers before, so after I got home I immediately did some research on tulips, and here is what I found…

Though tulips bloom in the spring, they are actually planted in the fall. In Utah, you should plant the tulips in late October or early November depending on the weather patterns for that year. You will want to plant them before the frost hits. For more tips on planting your tulips in Utah, read the article “Flower Bulbs Are Perfect For Fall Planting” by millcreekgardens.com.




(P.S. the last day the Tulip Festival is open is Saturday May 5th)

Check out Summer Concerts for other fun events in Utah!

Tulip Festival 2018
Tulip Festival Thanksgiving Point

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