
When Life Gives You Lemons

“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” How often have you actually taken advantage of the lemons you have access to? In this generation, we have all of the information we need at the tips of our fingers. You want to start a business? You can Google “How to start a business”. You want to learn how to play the flute? You can teach yourself through YouTube. You want to take out a loan, but you don’t know anything about loans… Google it! You get the point. If I don’t understand something in school, I can click one button and subscribe to a month of Chegg Tutor, and I can find sooooo much information about accounting, finance, statistics, etc.

Recently I’ve been learning how to make Macrame Wall Decor from YouTube, and I’ve been learning how to use Floor Planner(An Interior Design Computer Program) It’s been super fun! 🙂

What if everyone used these resources to unlock their full potential and to achieve their dreams? There is no reason you can’t learn something! We have the resources to everything! Making up excuses is getting harder to do. Well, what are you waiting for?….Go search for your freakin lemons and get to work! And make this your new motto:

“When life gives you free information, you learn.”


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