Dream Bigger

How many times has someone said, “I’m going to be a millionaire one day”? Should I laugh at that person and roll my eyes, or should I actually believe in them and encourage them? Trying to achieve goals/dreams can be scary, and sometimes they might not seem attainable.

There is a misconception that if someone else is a millionaire, that I can’t be a millionaire too. “There’s not enough wealth in the world for everyone to be a millionaire right?” WRONG! Just because someone else is living the dream I want, doesn’t mean that I can’t! If anything, this should inspire me and encourage me, because I know someone who has proven that my dream is attainable.

There are a lot of entrepreneurs, photographers, and bloggers in Utah. So I could think, “Wow there are way too many bloggers in Utah, so even though my passion and dream is to become an influential blogger, I’m not going to pursue it. The market is too saturated.” Instead, my thought process is “I know so many bloggers in Utah. This is a perfect opportunity to ask them how to start a blog and what advice they can give me. I might even be able to learn editing tips from all of the photographers that live here. I could really take advantage of the opportunities I have right in front of me.”

Making my dreams come true is as simple as flipping my mindset to something positive. Together, we can lift each other up and all become successful. We can teach each other the ins-and-outs of our trade. With a humble attitude, we can take advantage of the people we know and the opportunities we have sitting right in front of us!

If my best friend, sister, or cousin is living my dream, that’s only going to motivate me and inspire me. There is room for everyone to live their dream! Each person offers a different aspect of their trade, and no one is exactly the same. No one can duplicate what I have to offer.

In order to achieve my dreams, I’m going to make a list of people I know, and passions of mine. I’m going to make a list of things I need in order to make my passion a career, then I’m going to use the resources around me. After learning all of the knowledge I can from the people who surround me, I’m going to take a minute to re-evaluate my dreams, and I’m going to DREAM BIGGER!!! I would love to encourage everyone to follow their dreams and passions. If there is anything that any of you have wanted to ask me, click on “Ask Michelle Anything”. I’m super excited to answer any questions, and it would make my day. Xoxo Michelle

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.”

-Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


Shell Anklet | Sunglasses

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