Motivational Monday

Stop Procrastinating, and Start Juggling!

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY IS BACK! Why?…. because I finally stopped procrastinating! A lot of you might know that I have gone through some significant changes in my life. I’ll give a recap for those of you who need to be filled in. In May, I failed a class which made me not eligible for graduating, I moved back up north, and I ended a 2 year on and off relationship. Suddenly, I had to find a house, find a job, retake my class, find new friends, start dating again, and cope with the emotions from the dramatic changes happening in my life. My family and the friends who stuck by my side were very supportive, and I am really appreciative of them.

So….. I procrastinated my dreams of being a blogger and inspiring others by writing these Motivational Monday posts, because I felt like that wasn’t something I could handle at the same time as everything else. How could I possibly write one blog post a month on top of finding a job, a house, …etc.?

I was putting the things that I love on hold, because I was prioritizing those other things ahead of it. I kept telling myself, “After I finish school, I will focus on my blog.” Or I would think, “Once I find a house, then I will start writing blog posts again.” Fast forward 3 months later, and I still have stressful things going on in my life. There is never a break. Life doesn’t wait for me to catch up. I couldn’t keep making excuses as to why I was procrastinating. My mindset has now completely changed! Instead of taking a break from the things I love, or telling myself I’ll do it once circumstances are perfect, I have chosen to persevere through life juggling everything at once. I have been teaching myself how to hustle.

I challenge all of you to stop putting your dreams on hold. Learn how to manage your time wisely. Stop procrastinating! Stop taking breaks from things you love. Do not say, “I’ll work out at the gym tomorrow, because I have a huge work project due.” Do not procrastinate cleaning the house, because you have a bridal shower to go to. Do not tell yourself that you will follow your dreams once your kids grow up. Stop making excuses, and start learning how to manage your time wisely. Make a schedule, and fit everything in. If you have to decrease the time you spend on each activity, that’s better than not doing it at all! Life isn’t going to slow down and wait for you to catch up. I promise that if you change your way of thinking like I did, it will lead to a more satisfying lifestyle. Stop procrastinating, and start juggling. Xoxo Michelle

P.S. I already have the next Motivational Monday blog post typed up 🙂



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