long blonde hair down to her jeans

My Healthy Hair Tips! (PT. 1)

So you want gorgeous long healthy hair? If you came from TikTok, then I’m sure you’ve seen some of my secrets, but no one wants to scroll through old videos to find everything. This series of blog posts contains it all right here! We’ll go over the leave-in products I use, the vitamins I take, my rice water challenge, how often I color my hair, and my shampoo/conditioner routine. There’s a lot of information, and by no means I’m not a licensed professional, so do what works for you. Make sure you subscribe to my emails so you can know when I post Part 2!

Give Me All The Moisture!

It’s so important to keep my hair moisturized because I live in the desert(Utah). If my hair is moisturized, I can brush my hair and avoid breakage. So how do I keep my hair moisturized?… I wash my hair every 3-4 days, to keep my natural oils. If it’s a question of should I use dry shampoo or should I get in the shower, I choose the shower. I do love dry shampoo and texture spray, however, it does dry out my hair, and I know it’s not the healthiest option for me. Every time I wash my hair, I follow up with a leave-in conditioner and oil. (Product build-up has never been an issue for my hair). When my hair is wet and moisturized, I use a wet brush to gently brush through the tangles in my hair. My hair stays more moisturized if I let the products soak in and let my hair air dry. Now let’s get into the products.

*Tip: If it’s the summer and I am swimming and washing my hair each day, I avoid using shampoo every time. No need to strip the oils from my hair. I just use conditioner if I’m washing my hair a lot.

girl brushing her long blonde hair

Leave-in Products

I use one leave-in product and one hair oil on my wet hair each time. I’ve recently learned that it is not healthy to use heat after you use a hair oil. I now put the hair oil on my wet hair, and let it air dry. Then I’ll style my hair later. I’ll also put a tiny bit of oil on my ends after I style my hair to give it that silky look.

I’ve been trying to replace all of my hair products with chemical-free products, so kindly message me if you have further education on any hair products. XO Michelle

Go check out Part 2 “10 Things That Could Be Damaging Your Hair”.


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