claw clip in blonde hair

The Best-Kept Secret(Healthy Hair Tips Pt. 6)

The best-kept secret is something I do every day, and I’ve been doing it for years! If you want to be able to style your hair every day while maintaining healthy hair, then this secret is for you! We all know that if we stop putting heat on our hair, and just let our hair be, then it will grow. But not doing my hair is just not practical and it’s no fun. Some women have jobs where their hair needs to be styled, and other women do their hair every day because it makes them feel good. No matter what your reason is for styling your hair every day, you don’t have to stop to have healthy hair. The best kept secret is that you need to become strategic and follow this basic guide. Plan out your hairstyles for the week.

The best-kept secret is this…

Day 1: Wash & use a heat protectant then use heat on your hair (This means wearing your hair straight, curly, or crimped)

Day 2: Avoid heat! Your hair should still look amazing from day 1.

Tip: If your curl is completely gone, next time try using a smaller curling iron so the curls are tight the first day and loose day two. If you were hoping to wear your hair straight again, but sleeping on your hair made your hair kinked, you can lightly go over some spots or wear your hair halfway up to distract from some of the kinks.

Day 3: Avoid heat! Pull your hair up or halfway or in a braid.

The third day is different for everyone. Your hair still might look great and you might want to wear it down again. Or your hair is super greasy, and even throwing your hair in a bun just looks terrible. If you are having a hard time on the 3rd day, use dry shampoo and wash your hair on the 4th day instead.

Day 4: Pull your hair up again into a ponytail or bun, and use dry shampoo if necessary.

Repeat! (or extend your guide to more days if you have dry hair.)

What are the benefits of using this guide?

So I love calling this the best-kept secret, because you are keeping the oil in your hair and only using heat on your hair every 4-5 days. If you think about that, you are only using heat on your hair about 6-8 times a month! This secret is going to SAVE your hair! You can still look done up, and your hair won’t look greasy the last 2 days because it’s pulled back.

I would like to point out that getting your hair wet is not bad for your hair. Shampoo is the thing that strips your hair oils. You can actually wash your hair and just use conditioner if you don’t have crazy oily hair. I also want to say that I am not the biggest fan of dry shampoo. I think using dry shampoo all the time can actually damage your hair. If it’s a debate between washing my hair or using dry shampoo, I would choose to wash my hair if I have the time. For the shampoo/conditioner I use, read My Hair Care Routine(Healthy Hair Tips Part 5). Xoxo Michelle.

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