How Do I Make Rice Water For My Hair? (Healthy Hair Tips Pt. 4)
So you want to know how to make rice water for hair? I’ve laid out all of the steps plain and simple and created a printable PDF for you all! This is all from research I’ve done online and gathered from other people. I want to disclaim that I am not a licensed professional, this is just what I have been doing for my own hair. I have a hair series called healthy hair tips. Read part 1 here to learn my tips and tricks to healthy hair!
Step 1. Choosing the Rice
Choosing the type of rice determines how much nutrients your hair can get. I use brown rice, because it has the most nutrients, and it’s been around the longest. Avoid minute rice or any type of instant rice. When you choose rice, you want the purest form you can get. Try to avoid brands that use pesticides and other chemicals.
Step 2. Rinse the Rice?
Some people rinse the rice, however if you are bringing the rice to a boil, I don’t see how this step matters.
Step 3: Bring the Rice to a Boil
Put 1/2 cup of rice and 1 cup of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Bringing the rice to a boil kills any bacteria, and probably speeds up the process.
Step 4: Let the Rice Cool off and Pour Into a Container
When you choose a container, you need to make sure it’s one that won’t let the rice fall out. You don’t want to get rice down your shower drain or it will expand and clog your drains. The two best options I’ve found is a mason jar, and a spray bottle. Poke holes in the lid of the mason jar that are small enough that the rice can’t get through. If you want to go the spray bottle route, try to find a spray bottle that has a big enough opening to pour the rice water into easily.
Step 5: Shampoo, Rinse, Rice Water(soak 5 min), Rinse, conditioner, Rinse.
It’s as simple as that.

How Often Should I Use Rice Water??
I use rice water once a week because I have high porosity hair. I would suggest figuring out if you have high or low porosity hair first. If you have high porosity hair, you probably shouldn’t use rice water often. Ask your hairstylist if they can help you figure out what treatments are best for your hair type.
Why Does Rice Water Work?
Rice water supposedly works as a protein treatment for your hair. You can read more about why it works in my blog post “Rice Water For Hair Growth?”